high point chinese sda church

We pray for you

Send your prayers and we will pray that God will intervene in your life in powerful ways. But as you have time, study and read more about the bibical principles of prayer in our article/video section.

Prayers so far
Times been lifted up
Highpoint church, Ruth's father, Destiny
Submitted By:Bryan Bissell
Prayer Request:I would like to request prayers for several things: 1) Highpoint church and our leaders and projects of various kinds to forward God's work most effectively. 2) Specifically, pray for the SS classes and ministries, the fund raising leaders and projects we are starting. 3) Pray for my friend Ruth's father who was hospitalized in serious condition a couple days ago. 4) Pray for my daughter Destiny and her applications for universities and scholarships. This is one of the most stressful, draining, but crucial decision points of her life so far and she is aiming to be accepted at some of the top universities and scholarships in the world. Pray if it's God's will that He opens these doors, but also that He keeps her strong and faithful to him as He did Daniel and His friends when meeting deceptions in these places.